For as long as I can remember I was at least somewhat peripherally aware that something was wrong with my mom. Even as a kid I knew, you upset dad and he gets angry, but you upset mom and she gets manipulative, and as much as I hate being yelled at I knew which one was worse.
As I’ve gotten older I’m able to understand this whole situation on a deeper level. I can now confidently say that I grew up with a toxic mother, a mother that has serious mental health issues but never received help for them. A mother that doesn’t seem to want to get better.
My siblings and I would be left to our own devices day after day while Dad worked long hours to be the sole provider for our family, and Mom would spend her days locked in her room depressed. As kids we just had to do what we could to get through the day.
Maybe I don’t give my Mother enough credit, after all I was the 5th of 7 children and I’ve been told that my pregnancy was the one that changed everything. Mom was increasingly more and more sick the closer it got to my due date, and a short 4 days after giving birth to me she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
I don’t remember the before, but I’m told that this diagnosis changed everything. Mom was going through Chemo and Dad was still working long hours so they had to rely on friends and family to help take care of us kids. Luckily Mom recovered, but it seems that things were never quite the same.
I’ve been told stories of a Mother who cared, who took the kids on field trips and planned birthday parties, a Mom who made life better. Unfortunately, I never got to meet this Mom. I only got the Mom that came After.
The Mom I know had her ups and downs, it wasn’t always all bad. There were moments that were good, but as it turns out the moments I remember best are the bad ones, the ones that I needed to remember as a guide for what not to do going forward. When she was good, things were okay, but when she was bad, no one was safe.
One thing I attribute to my Mom that I still carry with me, is my sensitivity to other peoples emotions. As much as this can be helpful at times, I would actually call it a curse. I can never get away from it, and it’s exhausting to always be so aware of the emotions of the people around you.
I can be having a fabulous day, but if someone close to me is in a bad mood my mood is immediately ruined. I get stuck in their bad mood, even though nothing actually happened to me. I’m not just aware of others feelings, I feel their feelings, and it takes over my own feelings if I’m not careful.
I’ve gotten better about this as I’ve grown, it’s been hard but it’s something that I’ve put a lot of effort into. It still takes a lot of effort, but I’m finally able to focus on my own feelings instead of everyone else’s. Even though I’m making progress, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s always my second nature to pay close attention to others emotions, it was a survival technique for so long I don’t know that I’ll ever fully stop.
With a Mom as unstable as mine has been, knowing her emotions is the only thing that got me through some of the harder days. Things could change at the drop of a hat, and if I wasn’t aware and ready for those changes, things would only be worse for me. I had to make myself small enough not to be noticed, or drop everything that I was doing to cater to her. Even as a young child I knew that the secret to life was making sure I never upset mom, instead I had to do everything I could to keep her happy as she rocked the boat.
Recently things have gotten worse again. Mom has been really struggling, and now that I’m older I’m let in on more of the family secrets. I’m more aware of how bad it is, and I almost wish I wasn’t. It’s not easy feeling like you have to be on suicide watch for your own mother, to be 22 and calling your Mom’s therapist leaving a message that she was writing her farewells, or to be out of town for soccer when you get a text at midnight saying “Mom is missing,” I wouldn’t wish any of that on my worst enemy, but I guess it’s going to be a part of my story.
Even though Mom say’s she’s getting help, and she is going through all the motions, it’s hard to feel like she’s actually trying. If she actually cared about getting better, why has it taken her 30+ years to get help? I try not to be a pessimist about the situation, but personally I think that she’s too comfortable in her misery, so she doesn’t actually want things to change.
As someone who has struggled with their own mental health problems but has made great strides and is doing so much better, I know that it’s possible and I know that it’s hard, but I also know what the whole process is like, and I don’t see that in Mom. It frustrates me when I feel like she uses my own experiences with depression to explain her behavior. The amount of times that she’s used the excuse “Oh you know what it’s like” to explain why she isn’t making progress kills me.
Yes, I know what it’s like, but I also know that I was able to get help and get better and that means that you can too. I know what it’s like to be that deep in the depression, but the difference between her and I is that I actually put in the effort to get better. I actually tried. That’s not something Mom does very often though, so I shouldn’t be surprised anymore.
Mom is getting more treatment and help, and it seems like there may be a chance things could be getting better. But it still doesn’t seem like she really wants them to be better. She’s going through the motions, and yet she still makes herself the victim in every situation. She always finds the worst and makes things harder for herself than they need to be. The hardest part is that she’s dragging us all down with her.
It would be one thing if she was depressed locked in her room all day, but her current version of struggling takes over the whole house. No one is safe from her right now. I don’t think she fully realizes what she’s doing, but there’s no escaping it. Her mood controls the atmosphere, and if Mom is upset the house is upset.
The problem is, all it takes to upset Mom is the wind blowing the wrong direction. The amount of times that I’ve been wrongfully blamed for something I have no control over is simply too much. Not only that, but she likes to tempt fate. In theory it’s nice to have her around more, but in actuality every conversation ends with her making me being the bad guy, and there’s only so much of that that I can handle.
We all try our best to support her and keep things from blowing up, but like always Mom loves to set the traps. She does things like ask for feedback on if we think she’s getting better, but I know that no matter what I say she’ll use it against me later. There’s simply no right answer, so I just don’t respond. I want to be able to give her this feedback, but I know that it’ll just come back to bite me later on.
Truly I don’t think that these experiences will ever leave me. I think that spending so much of my time around someone this toxic will always affect me. I already see so many ways that I carry these moments into other aspects of life. Being raised with a toxic mother is something that I will never live down, so instead I’ll do my best to adjust and work past the issues she gave me.
I already have made a lot of progress on some of these things, but I still have a lot of room to keep growing. I am no longer as dependent on other’s emotions, I’m doing better finding my voice and speaking up for myself, and I’m even setting more boundaries than I ever thought.
Although this is all great progress, I still have a list to work on of course. Right now my main focus is what I suspect may be abandonment issues. I can’t say for certain that’s what it is, but boy do I see some signs of it in myself. I’ve recently realized that my close friends consist of my siblings, and my one friend that I’ve grown up with. I’ve made a few good friends over the years, but nothing that has lasted too terribly long. I think this is because I might have a tendency to self-sabotage.
I’m convinced that I’m cursed to always care more about others than they care about me. I will always be the one chasing them through the airport, never the one getting chased. Of course this idea alone is somewhat problematic, because self-fulfilling prophecies are a very real thing and if I believe it to be true, it’s just that much more likely to be the case.
On top of that though, I have noticed that whenever I start to care about someone too much I find a way to ruin it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a friendship or romantic, the moment I start to care about someone too deeply I find a reason to end things there, I never let it get further. Whether I find a reason not to like them anymore, convince myself that they’re lying and don’t actually care about me, or whatever other way I go with that time, the outcome is always the same.
I’m realizing just how problematic this is, and it’s something that I drastically want to change. I love creating relationships with people, and I want to be able to healthy and let them grow. I’m done being scared of caring more than others, if things go south on their own then they go south, but I’ll never know if I keep cutting people off before they even get the chance to prove me wrong.
There are many other stories I could share about Mom. Many other bad habits and tendencies that she instilled in me, things that I will continue to work on changing. While these stories may help to understand my past, they don’t need to be at the forefront of my future. The past is the past for a reason, and I think it’s time I leave it in there.
I refuse to let my Mom define me. I won’t let these bad habits she taught me control my life. I am going to do everything in my power to make this story mine, to take back control of my life and make it what I want it to be. I may still live with her, but it’ll just make me stronger. My story belongs to me, and while I’ll always be the daughter of a mentally ill mother, I will never become her.